There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting down on the couch to watch a really good movie! With Valentine’s Day this month, why not pick a romance movie!
Sit extra closer to your lovey! Hold hands! Drink a glass of wine (we suggest ANYTHING Gooseneck Vineyards!) And just be in the moment together!
If you’re trying to find the perfect Valentine’s Day flick, here are 26 of them to get you going. All of them are happily ever afters… and all of them are sure to make you smile! Don’t forget! You can celebrate Valentine’s Day all month, so print this list and watch them all!
1. When Harry Met Sally
2. Pretty Woman
3. Gone with the Wind
4. Love Actually
5. Sleepless in Seattle
6. The Holiday
7. Sweet Home Alabama
8. The Notebook
9. Bridget Jones Diary
10. Annie Hall
11. Only You
12. While You Were Sleeping
13. Pride & Prejudice
14. 27 Dresses
15. Just Like Heaven
16. Sixteen Candles
17. Roman Holiday
18. Say Anything
19. Four Weddings and a Funeral
20. The Ugly Truth
21. The Proposal
22. Dirty Dancing
23. Failure to Launch
24. The Wedding Singer
25. Never Been Kissed
26. Ever After