
7 Rules For A Happier Life

By March 1, 2018 March 4th, 2019 No Comments

1. Invest time in friendships and close relationships

Relationships require work and effort, but they are some of the most rewarding elements of life.


2. Exercise regularly

It seems impossible sometimes to even imagine going for a run or to the gym when you just want to drop on the pillow, but regular exercise actually generates more energy and stimulates the mind and body.


3. Don’t sacrifice sleep

Try to give your body the sleep it needs.


4. Have sex (ideally with someone you love)

Sex is consistently rated as the highest generators of happiness. What are you waiting for?! 


5. Take control of your life

We are happy when we achieve goals. So set up small goals that are achievable, but still take you a bit out of your comfort zone.


6. Try to find work or do something every day that engages your skills

Doing well at work or accomplishing something creates happiness. And the easiest way to do that if you have a job that you enjoy. 


7. Pause to enjoy the moment, reflect on the good things in life, say them out loud

Reflecting on the good parts of every day life, helps focus on the positive and not take what we have for granted. And actually hearing everything you are grateful for, creates lasting positive feelings because thoughts are fleeting and words are forever. 


Enjoy the Journey!